Meet the 2023 ACA Ambassadors


    South Africa

    “Planet Earth has the largest family comprised of human, animal and plant life, but our greed has negatively impacted our fellow inhabitants on Earth, causing our home to erupt in chaos. Climate change affects all people and all geographic locations. It’s time we learn to give back and restore what has been lost. This is my mission and if planet Earth is your home, it should be yours too.”


    South Africa

    “Everyone has a right to a sustainable and prosperous future. Everyone needs to understand the importance of taking action, and understanding the urgency and the effects of climate change. I’m dedicated to spreading awareness about the issues we are facing, seeing how resilient communities affected by climate change are, as well as joining the movement of young activists striving to make the world a better place.”



    “My commitment to creating change in the climate justice space stems from recognizing the urgency of the global climate crisis and its profound impact on our planet and future generations. Witnessing the devastating consequences of environmental degradation has inspired me to use my capabilities to raise awareness, promote sustainable practices, and empower individuals and communities to take action towards a greener and more equitable world.”



    “As a young journalist dedicated to reporting on climate change, witnessing the resilience of communities affected by climate change inspires me to amplify their voices and advocate for equitable solutions. I am committed to driving change through collaborative efforts, raising awareness, and advocating for policies that promote sustainability and just transitions.
    We can build a future where everyone has access to clean air, water, and a safe environment.”


    South Africa

    “I’m committed to being a part of the movement for change and amplifying the experiences of people from marginalised communities who suffer far worse repercussions, due to climate change, than those living in privileged areas. It all starts with educating those around us and recognizing that climate change is not only an environmental issue, but it is also a social and economic justice issue as it often exacerbates existing inequalities.”


    South Africa

    “I am committed to driving change in the climate justice space. Witnessing the devastating impacts of wildfires, floods, and displacement in my country has only fueled my determination. I strongly believe in the importance of climate education and collectively shaping a more environmentally conscious society. As a young climate activist, I draw inspiration from the urgent need to create a sustainable world where nature and humanity live and thrive together.”



    “I am dedicated to engaging in the climate justice movement to advocate for the marginalized communities who are vulnerable and have been affected by environmental threats and pollution. I also want to promote the collaborative effort to tackle and mitigate climate change by working towards fair and sustainable solutions.”


    South Africa

    “It’s inhumane that people from marginalised communities are not afforded their right to basic resources and healthy standards of living. This is why I advocate for climate justice, to overcome the exclusionary conditions that human society places on individuals. Through advocacy I hope to push for recognition and addressing the discrimination that people from marginalized communities face.”


    South Africa

    “It’s imperative that young Africans get involved in climate justice because the issue is predicted to exacerbate their already challenged reality. We cannot rid ourselves of current issues such as gender inequality, youth unemployment, food insecurity, and health if we do not acknowledge the urgency of the climate crisis and come up with solutions to fight it.”



    ”Living in a country where the majority of the population suffers and only a small percentage has the opportunity to receive a quality education or even live a dignified life, and being part of that small percentage myself, I feel the need to act for the good of those who don't have the opportunity to speak for themselves. It's not very common in my society to talk about climate justice, so I'd like to take the first steps myself so that, with the knowledge I've learned, I can inspire others and form a community dedicated to the common good.”



    “Amidst the whispers of wind and the stories carried by ancient trees, I found my purpose as a climate activist. The Earth's silent plea for healing and harmony resonates within me, igniting a fiery commitment to rewrite our legacy. Just as a single ember can ignite a forest, so too can our united efforts spark a blaze of change, painting a brighter, greener canvas for the world we share.”


    South Africa

    “I'm passionate about being part of a movement that drives change and advocates for climate justice in Africa. This region often remains overlooked due to a lack of awareness, and I'm motivated to help raise consciousness and make a meaningful impact on this important issue.”



    “I'm committed to climate justice because our planet's plea can't wait. The time for action has never been so urgent. I'm inspired by the power of young people in this movement and I'm grateful to be a catalyst for the change.”



    “I believe we have a responsibility to protect and respect the environment. Our present and future relies on it. By advocating for climate justice and working towards sustainable solutions, we're not just ensuring a better world for ourselves, but also leaving a positive legacy for the next generations.”



    “We cannot afford to watch helplessly as our Earth burns. It is important for young people to work towards climate justice, because our future depends on it.”


    South Africa

    “From a young age, I have been captivated by the natural world and its undeniable connection to human well-being. Witnessing the escalating impacts of climate change and the disproportionate burden it places on vulnerable communities has driven me to take a proactive role in fostering positive change.”


    South Africa

    “I saw a quote that said, "if you really think the environment is less important than the economy, try counting your money while holding your breath." I tried it, and my entire perspective changed. I really believe in taking care of yourself holistically, but have grown to understand that you can't thrive, if the environment around you isn't thriving too.”



    “I want a safe planet for the people in my community. I dream of a planet free from severe droughts and with abundant food for everyone.”



    “The consequences of climate change are already being felt around the world. We are seeing more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires, as well as more extreme heat waves and droughts. I am dedicated to fighting for justice for all of these issues.”



    “I am committed to creating meaningful change in the climate justice space because I believe that everyone deserves access to a safe, healthy, clean, and sustainable planet. We all have a role to play in protecting our planet, change starts with you on an individual basis. I am inspired by the courage and resilience of those who are working tirelessly to bring about this change, and I am determined to do my part to help.”



    “Climate change is no longer a distant threat, it is happening now. The consequences are already affecting people, ecosystems, and economies around the world. We must take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate in order to protect our planet for future generations.”



    “I have witnessed and heard stories of the unjust impacts of climate change on vulnerable African communities such as drought due to unpredictable rainfall which lead to food insecurity. Yet, Africa as a whole contributes the least to greenhouse gas emissions. This disparity that exists fuels me. I believe every voice matters in shaping a sustainable future for our planet which inspires me to be a voice in advocating for equitable solutions.”



    “Climate justice, to me, means that the main contributors to climate change take responsibility for their actions and pay for the damages caused to marginalised people, children, women, youths and people living with disabilities as a result of climate change. Having been a victim of climate injustice, I’m determined to make a difference together with a large number of change-makers who are fighting for climate justice.”


    South Africa

    “I strongly believe that climate change affects all of us. It is a matter that urgently needs young people, like me, to advocate and raise awareness about. We need to make it known that vulnerable communities, communities in Africa, and communities of colour and suffering the most when it comes to the effects of climate change.”



    “I'm deeply committed to driving change in the climate justice arena because our planet's future is at stake. The urgency to protect our environment, ensure equitable access to resources, and advocate for vulnerable communities fuels my passion. Witnessing the interconnectedness of nature and humanity's potential for positive impact inspires me to work tirelessly towards a sustainable and just world.”



    “Lack of meaningful youth participation in key decision making processes and positions with regards to policy and law making around climate adaptation, is one of the major causes for lack of climate adaptation around the globe. This is because, the power of youth, being the largest demographic, is not being utilized hence hindering mass participation in the fight towards attaining SDG goal number 13 and it’s various targets.”



    “I’m committed to creating change in the climate because safeguarding our planet's future is a responsibility we all share. I am inspired by the resilience of communities facing the brunt of climate impacts, the innovative solutions being developed to address environmental challenges, and the collective efforts of individuals, organizations, and governments striving for positive change.”


    South Sudan

    “My nickname is Olexa meaning “defender of mankind”. We have been exploiting mother Earth for centuries and we are now facing the consequences. I feel the need to protect mother Earth and restore it to its original state so that we don't face her anger.”



    “Earth is our home, and every one of us has the responsibility to improve it with the creativity and knowledge we have been gifted and offered. Together, let's make a difference. We are the awaited fellows.”

The Board

Our Board Members
Celiwe Shivambu, Bridget Pitt and Xoli Fuyani.

Our Team
Our team and board together.

A note of gratitude: 

We give great thanks to the essential support from our founding youth network, our 2019 supporters steering committee and all our organisational partners. Thank you to those, too many to mention, who offered up countless hours through meetings, actions and more, before we found our structure. Up until 2021 we all acted as volunteers until our organisation received funding to scale in 2022.